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What would you do if I offered you $1,000 to walk a plank that was lying on the floor between us? You'd jump at the chance, right? Now what if I took that same plank, stretched it between the roofs of two skyscrapers, and offered you that same $1,000? Hmmmm. That might take a little thought. Would the risk be worth it? Risk. Websters defines it as 'possibility of loss or injury: peril.' But you might define risk as: starting that new business, beginning a new relationship, following your dream. We all define risk in different ways. Yet, I think we can all agree that our lives, our choices, involve a certain degree of risk. There is a quote printed on a coffee mug. It says, 'If anyone would pick the choicest fruit, they must be prepared to venture out on a limb.' Take a moment to think about what choicest fruits dangle seductively before you. What is it that you'd really like to go for, but the risk is holding you back? Then consider the following: 1) Is there a way to minimize the risk? For example, could you begin your business while still maintaining another source of income? Could you start part-time, until you could comfortably switch to full-time? Or could you approach your goal with small, steady steps, instead of taking a wild plunge? 2) Visualize the worst that might happen. Then think, could I survive it? Could my family survive it? If the worst did happen, what would I do then? Can I put a contingency plan in place? 3) Imagine where you'll be two years from now if you don't take the risk. Will you feel bereft? Will you feel like you're in a rut? Will your spirit of adventure have died? Or will you be glad you didn't venture out on a limb? How will you feel about yourself and your life? 4) Are there people with whom you can talk? Can you pick the brains of experienced people? Has someone already accomplished what you want to do? Would he or she be your mentor? 5) Can you build a team to help you? You must share your dreams carefully. The last thing you need is someone trampling them into the mud. Yet, it's wonderful to bring together those like-minded spirits who will support and encourage you. Sometimes they can give you that extra push or bit of information that can put you over the top. Risk, when looked at with eyes wide open, can be a friend. It can fill our lives with that sense of excitement and adventure. It can give us that edge that keeps us going in the face of difficulties. And when we overcome the odds, we are filled with an overwhelming sense of pride and satisfaction. What would you like to risk today? What choicest fruits are waiting to be plucked by your hand? Go for it! Blessings on you and yours . . . Copyright 2001 Brenda Maxfield Subscribe to Brenda's FREE motivational ezine, guaranteed to put some zippity-do-dah back into your life. Click to E-mail. DON'T STOP THERE! Order your FREE Internet Money-Making Reports! Click to visit.

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